Oh You Pretty Things

Wake up you sleepy head

Back in my school days, one of my house mates used to play Hunky Dory.  Every day in the day-room, if I remember rightly, so it was impossible to escape its influence.  As soon as I hear this particular song, I am transported back to that same day-room and to a memory of the ginger-haired lad by the name of Glen Miller.  Miller (we always referred to each other by our surnames) was a bit of a maverick, so it seemed normal that he should be big on Bowie.  I wish I knew what he went on to do with his life.  As for Miller, I’m sure he’s done okay.

I suppose, technically, this was pre-Thin White Duke era Bowie, so apologies to anyone who feels misled and let down.  I’m sure you can forgive me, however, because it’s a superb tune.

As I’ve been thinking about school again, I have to follow this with one more act often played by the senior boys in the dorm’ as we drifted off to sleep.  Another dusting of Ash.